Pro Auger Tool

Plumbing Tool Re-Design for POPULO  


Year: 2023
Group Project

For this project I was able to work for a client based in China, Freelancing for Dan Cabral Design. I was lucky enough to be the team leader in this project which was more of an Engineering project as we where tasked to re-design the auger tool to be packaged smaller when distributing.



The Client came to us with a very precise vision and plan for this project. Their goal was to have this product fit within an 44x33x19cm for packaging. Another requirement was for this product to have a simple setup with a few steps and some portability options. For this project we also had to do research and development into the user targeting more workers who where more likely to use this product.

Concept Development

Combining Design and Engineering.  

For this project we where lucky enough to received an the existing Auger tool by the client. This was great in helping us understand how the device worked and how we could re-engineer it towards the clients brief but still keep the same function. We also sourced a lot of inspiration and researched relevant mechanisms like telescopic poles.

CAD Development

Developed For Manufacturing.

We went back and forth with initial modelling in Blender for basic form then Taking into Solidworks where we would accurately model the Auger. I modelled all parts apart from the inner part which was done by team mates. We also conducted some simulation test to ensure design would function.  

Technical Development

Making Sure It Works

Thanks to accurate CAD work and also doing simulation tests we where able to deliver a comprehensive design to the client with all technical specifications.

Final Detailing

Bringing It All Together

The final detailing always is tricky but what makes the design stand out. The team and I worked back and forth with the client and slowly refined our form. A tricky final form was the handle details and also the snap locks and how they would look with the cleint vision in mind.

Final Design

“Designing beyond boundaries. Specializing in 3D visualization, transforming visions into compelling visual stories”

Jordan McNally

3D Designer